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School Based Counseling

Milestones offers individual and group counseling services in schools in our School Based Counseling Program. Our program offer students a range of benefits that can help them succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. With the support of trained counselors, students can learn to manage stress and anxiety, build positive relationships, and develop important life skills that will benefit them long after they leave school.

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Improved mental health: School-based counseling programs can help students manage and cope with a range of mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma. Counseling can provide students with a safe and confidential space to talk about their feelings and learn strategies to manage their emotions.


Improved relationships: School-based counseling programs can help students build better relationships with their peers, teachers, and family members. Counseling can teach students important social and emotional skills such as empathy, communication, and conflict resolution.


Increased self-awareness: Through counseling, students can gain a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and learn to identify and manage negative patterns or habits.


Prevention of future mental health issues: Early intervention through school-based counseling programs can help prevent future mental health issues from developing or worsening. By addressing issues early on, students can learn strategies and coping mechanisms to manage their mental health and build resilience.



Telekids offers a range of telehealth counseling services aimed at helping children aged 9 and up develop essential skills to cope with various challenges they may face such as,  anger management,  identifying and expressing emotions, managing anxiety,  improving self esteem,  dealing with school and home stressors.

Connect with one of our team members to learn more by using the interest form!

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Interest Form 

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